Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Powerful Play

I found many aspects of todays class very powerful. For Instance, being greeted repeatedly as both the observed and observer was a powerful exercise. I found it easier and easier to push through any discomfort or awkwardness I was feeling, as we did each exercise.  
I have never walked into a new class without feeling waves of stage fright. Even if I am teaching kindergartners. Yet, I have learned to sort of walk through quickly and ignore myself. Soon I am on the other side. Some of today's exercises felt like the practice of doing just that. Jump in without time to think, and keep my focus on the balloon out of my head.  
Also the ability to play like a kid with a group of adults is such a blessing. Fortunately I have the opportunity to play as work, but to do that with peers was really wonderful. How to keep this energy and find something this inspiring in Los Angeles will be a challenge when I get home.


  1. I think these exercises were designed to have us use the creative part of our brains, and to trust in what we were doing (which felt almost like playing).

  2. Yes, I think the stick exercises were just so cool! I could see myself doing this with all kinds of different generic items, turning them into second-hand props. It reminds me of a cartoon of a rich kid whose entire collection of toys was taken away from him, save one simple paddleball. After sulking and complaining, he found more and more creative ways to play with the paddleball, turning it into all kinds of different things as he teleported between imagined worlds.

  3. I agree. I can imagine using the stick exercise with a group of students to help them give self-permission to think imaginatively before attacking a creative writing assignment.

  4. Great title. I often forget the power of play. I, too, long for ongoing work like this beyond these three weeks.

  5. Ah, longing is a good word for wanting more of this Cynthia.
