Friday, July 24, 2015


Thanks so much to "Uncle Charlie" for his gracious hosting and excellent food! I really enjoyed his one-minute story challenge.  Everyone had great little stories. Charlie's own was, I think, one of the best. I bet this little game would be a ton of fun for a group of strangers. Since we all mostly knew one another and felt comfortable around one another it was fun, but imagine if we were all strangers. Would we have told the same stories? I would have because mine was just a joke but some of us told these great little personal stories. As we talk about the "rooms" of story I think some of us naturally went to those outer rooms while others took us deeper. I wonder how our stories might have changed if we were not so well acquainted?


  1. I also had a lot of fun with the one-minute stories (really they are memory snippets)---and any one of them could be combined with other memories to become longer stories
