Monday, July 20, 2015

Tone and Telling

Omigosh! David's talk on tone in telling hit me like a sack of bricks. I thought it was so cool how a storyteller can shift and change the "energy" of the story and even the listener, by making down- and up-turns in his or her speech. I bet there are so many ways to play with this concept and use it to set the "tone," either by using regular down-turns to calm things down and then sudden up-turns to electrify the telling, as if for a really exciting part, or to characterize certain characters, etc. (regular down-turns for a sleepy or slow-witted character, regular up-turns for a hyper character, etc.) I am going to start canoodling with this idea more in my stories.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, I found this exciting too. I first thought about where I hear this used such as Eyor's down-turned ending words and Hemi Squirrel's up-turned words. Or Goofy's gulping down-turns and Mickey's up-turns... I had fun experimenting with it a bit also, or is that "canoodling" with it?
