Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Megan Wells- a humble art

As usual, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Teller-in-residence today. As Megan Wells was talking about her driving question about Helen of Troy, I was reminded of an author I met last year  on our road trip home after summer classes here at ETSU. Megan said that her question was "What's it like to live behind a face like that?" The author Conn Iggulden also talked abut his stories as character-driven, and he had a similar driving question to understand the motivation of Attila the Hun. He even talked about the research he did to travel to the places and try to understand the culture, climate, etc first hand. I didn't think of the question when we were there, but I do wonder if Megan Wells also traveled to the areas in her story, to Greece and Troy, to get a feel for them.

My favorite quote that I wrote down today from Megan was about emotions. " My feelings awaken yours in you."

And I appreciate everyone being a good sport when i asked for a class photo with Megan. Here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Yes. A powerful work today. Question-based approach. Involving images. Emotionally evocative.
