Sunday, July 19, 2015

The room (we share) as a sacred space

In "Letters to a Young Artist," Smith speaks of a classroom as a garden---that it is a sort of sacred space---where students enter barefoot.
I wonder how we would feel (as a group) if we entered our "garden" on Monday (or Tuesday if this post comes too late)---and took off our shoes (and socks). Would we, in fact, feel more grounded?
Would we feel different? Would we have this commonality (that we cannot have if we wear various shoes and socks)---would we function differently???

1 comment:

  1. Joy, That is an interesting observation. I do take my socks and shoes off for the storyteller's gym class, as do most of the other students. I guess the best comparison would be between the first class (with shoes on) and the second class of the day (with shoes off). The second class does feel more active to me and grounded, if you prefer that word.
