Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Silence, Scenes, and Editing Choices

Today we worked on silence and stillness, and then on building scenes, which we also have been working on in the gymnastics class.  The exercises on silence and stillness and on building scenes were great.  I often feel that one thing that I do pretty well is incorporate silence into my courtroom presentations.  But sometimes I forget to use this incredibly important tool.  Why?

I think the reason for this is that I am always trying to compress more material into a smaller slot.  Instead of cutting content, I steamroll through places that would be well served by silence.   I suspect that I cut short fully developing scenes for the same reasons.

These are editorial choices.  But today I realized that I have cut short scenes and steamrolled silence without it being intentional choices.  I am glad to have this become conscious.


  1. I used moments of silence in the story I told today at the Guild----particularly the silence I used at the end----before "you've got to go with your heart"---made the story feel different for me (the emotion was palpable---which is what I was reaching for)

  2. And actually, something happens to the listeners in these moments of silence---it feels as though they are drawn closer into the story.
