Thursday, July 23, 2015

our gut

I found myself looking at the way Regi was using the silent moments through her stories and even though I wasn’t fully emerged in some parts of the stories because I was concentrating myself to every single details of how one memory will link another and how she was making a transitions. I saw myself walking deeper and deeper into her house, arriving at the most private part and listening to her parents death. It was interesting to me that she mentioned "I need to know who I am not?" and ever since we started the class and references in "The right to speak" and "Letters to a young artist" text touch on the voice we have. Knowing what we represent and staying true to ourselves, our voices, and ways we are.  Regi also mentioned that she was tired of being told what to be or who to be in her professional life and that's how she came to do what she does now. I see that example as another link to how we need to approach stories. Be our own boss of our own stories and do what we want and not what others may want.
The initial activity we had in class was interesting because it brought random memories that I haven't thought about in a while and almost at the end to share something very personal that I have only share with a few people. I am fascinated on the way we are exploring images of our memories and we are looking at them in fractals. 
As I was ridding the motorcycle back from the ISC I decided to take some back roads. The entire time I kept thinking "my head is a balloon, my shoulders are relax and I my presence on this motorcycle is connected to everything from my left foot and hand (gears control) while right foot and right hand (speed control). The ride was very smooth and I need to find a way to look at my stories in the same view so that they too become smooth. Why did I take those back roads? Not sure, I just following my "gut." I stopped at a "trail head" of a hiking path I haven't explored and walked for a few minutes and all of a sudden a First Responder EMT officer is trying to make a u-turn and I ended up directing him until I spoke to him to keep the tires opposite in order for the trailer to move the direction he wanted. Sometimes I feel that when I take a different direction in my stories it could be what some one needs to hear (like the help I was able to give that officer). 

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