Friday, July 31, 2015

No “Right” Way to Tell Stories

What a great way to end out class! I love hearing everyone's stories, woven together with everyone else's.

Like the ouroboros, our end offers a chance to explore our beginnings, to both see how far we have come, but also to further incorporate those pearls of wisdom from the course's genesis. First, I remember professor Novak sharing the etymology of the word “evaluate,” as in “to find value in.” Our last round of stories has really crystalized that value that each of us brings of him- or herself to the story.

Similarly, some of the first reading I did for the course was in Doug Lipman's Improving Your Storytelling. One need not read passed the introduction to be smacked in the face with the truth: there is “No Right Way to Tell Stories” (15). The breadth of our expression of this art, storytelling, has shown that. I am so impressed with my classmates and so proud to be a part of this community.

Moreover, I am astounded at our diversity. I could not attempt to tell stories like anyone in the class, nor they like me. How wonderful! This course has really helped me hone my own voice, comfort in my own storytelling skin, and authenticity in who I am as Bob Leopold, the storyteller.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey.


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