Monday, July 27, 2015

Telling today

I will admit it's been very hard for me to think of anything other than my dad since his sudden passing now two weeks ago.  When I mentioned this to a few of our fellow tellers in class, we all agreed speaking about my father wasn't right, not for right now.  Grief, he's a beast.  I was tricked into selecting the subject of my story by Brandon, who saddled up to my bar and casually asked me what my favorite movie was.  Without hesitating, I told him it was Rushmore, and launched into the story of going and seeing the moving with my friends in high school, and how much both the movie and that night shaped me.  He just looked and me and said, "there you go."  I smiled a real smile for the first time in a while.

My brain is filled with memories and love and hurt and sadness, and the chance to put that all away and tell a story today was wonderful.  Thank you all for allowing this space to exist.

I look forward to taking David's feedback and applying it to my telling in the future.  I knew I have a lot of hair, but I never thought about how it might impact an audience being able to connect with me by it's getting in the way of my face, physically.  Thank you, David.

In love and stories,



  1. Thank you Patti for being there and being accessible. Good job Brandon!

  2. Patti your post was beautiful. I am really thankful that you shared your story with us about Rushmore. I also enjoyed being in your group when you were describing how you felt about the twinkling lights in the sky and the theater, it was a really beautiful thing.

  3. Your story (and post) caused me to - for the first time - examine my own favorite movie ("Dave"), and to ask myself "Why?"

    I won't belabor my conclusions (here) - suffice to say that you have incited me to engage once again in reflecting on what has been an altogether un-reflective life. Not complaining, just acknowledging how much catch-up I have to do, still.

    Thanks, Patti.
