Monday, July 27, 2015

Trusting the audience

I appreciate the amount of trust in the audience our tellers had today.  Telling stories that reveal our  vulnerability as tellers requires a special type of audience.  Thank you for sharing.

I have found that it takes time for me to create an environment that fosters empathy within my classroom.  Interestingly, this happens only when I am willing to be vulnerable in front of my students with the personal stories I share.


  1. Very true, Tzitel! I think the fact that we have such a welcoming and kind group of individuals has provided us each the feeling of safety so that we each can share from our hearts. Today had some incredibly moving and touching stories that could only be possible because of the environment fostered by David and reinforced by all y'all! Thanks!

  2. Some of you---I just met 2 weeks ago
    and some at Shonaleigh's workshop the beginning of July...
    and Tziltel, Bill, Chris, Julie and others-----from last summer
    I feel like we are a community---a family of sorts----one that I can trust with my most private memories-----it is a very wonderful feeling!
