Friday, July 24, 2015

food for the body, food for the soul

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that dinner was so good! Sorry we missed some of ya'll there. 

What a day! Today's (well yesterday) class brought many confusions to my mind that help. Why? Because I had an idea of what memory to explore a few days ago when we began to work on the connector exercises and group activities of our memories. But today's class kept making me think of many paths I could take and somehow I remember "I am doing an authoethnography" so I looked into my little work and outlines I have about stories I am thinking of using for that piece and decided to work on a short paragraph I wrote at the beginning of the summer. After a few hours later, and so late now, I found myself writing a few pages and using so many descriptions and thinking of everything we have been talking in class. All I got to say is/ WOW! So grateful for this class! Hopefully tomorrow I can tell this story using some of what I have learned so far and be myself the entire time.

1 comment:

  1. The food and the fellowship was awesome last night! Remember what David says, that this story is about the process, not the product. You'll do great! Looking forward to hearing your story!
