Thursday, July 23, 2015

Story maps and Most Important Thing

The story mapping that we did today, connecting stories throughout a conversation and then trying to find an underlying theme, made me think about Lipman's "Most Important Thing" in a new way. I had thought about today's map-stories before--some of them a lot. Having to find what was common between them, though--and not just them, but all the other stories on the board--brought out themes in them that I had never seen. Developed from the angle of that "Most Important Thing," they become completely different stories.

I guess I've just always tended to keep all my stories in separate cages; I shouldn't be surprised that when you put them in together, they breed.


  1. A wonderful image. I also kept my stories (especially personal stories) in "cages"---yet in casual conversation, images and knit together---and new ideas and "streams" emerge---and interestingly---all of this is done orally

  2. I miss having you around, Chelise. Yes, they do breed, don't they? What a wonderful expression. Thank you.
