Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My guild audition: Presence

Before this class, I would never have been able to define presence/or my lack of it in a telling. I would have just gone into the story----but this time, I greeted the audience, and acknowledged images from the last storyteller (a worm)-----and my telling felt so different. Thank you, David!

I'm not sure about telling barefoot---it seemed a good idea (at the last moment)-- the teller in residence was barefoot (I didn't know that she was barefoot because her feet had blisters from wearing fancy shoes). I did feel more grounded and balanced---but my feet (I guess because I was nervous) suctioned to the floor---I couldn't roam the stage as I had in the past---and that turned out to be good!

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting to hear that because your feet were kind of stuck to the floor that helped you stay standing and grounded. Glad a good thing came from something that you weren't sure whether it would be good or not (telling barefoot)!
