Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bullhead fish?

Did you find it interesting that Tzitel and Reggie shared Bullhead fish in the same morning? They even gave descriptions of these memories making similar type expressions to portray this fish's mannerisms.

That reminded me of Anna Smith's writing about mentoring involving trust. This brought up thoughts on how many ways we trust each other in this class, supporting one another in our development. Smith also encourages cultivating diverse associations/mentors to enrich and broaden one's work (p. 77-79).


  1. I found it very interesting. Especially since in our group we talked about Tzitel's experiences with the bullhead fishes, and in our group we talked about the entire cycle of life from birth to near death. Then when Regi was talking about her family, and the death of her parents, it really kind of felt like the stories came around full circle. For me it felt like going to a storytelling festival where I had just heard one olio and then switched stages and somehow the themes of the next stage fit the themes of the first. It was kind of an amazing experience. Thanks for writing about this.

  2. I was thinking of Bullheads because Regi had told the same story the night before at the Guild. Sorry I wasn't more clear about this.

    Aimee-- I, too, thought the whole "cradle to grave" theme was an interesting parallel to our conversation group!
