Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Came across this talk on creativity by John is full of gems.  So many of the ideas in this echo our work in classes.  I wanted to share because as John Cleese says, "Any dribble may lead to the breakthrough."

Enjoy. (If you can't get to it through the link google Youtube john cleese creativity 36minutes)

1 comment:

  1. That was a great video, Cynthia! These were some of the notes I took from it (in some cases he was citing someone else and I might have missed some of the references): "Create an oasis of quiet" when working to be creative. McKennon says (paraphrased), "The most creative professionals always played with a problem for much longer before they tried to resolve it because they were prepared to tolerate that slide discomfort (and it was anxiety) that we all experience when we have a problem." Play with connections to get new ideas. The new connections need to have significance or meaning. But you can also loosen your assumptions by playing with absurdities. These can be called, "Intermediate impossibles" and they "can be used as a stepping stone to something that is right." Thanks for sharing this video, Cynthia!
