Monday, July 20, 2015

kick the box

One full body exercise to keep the voice strong until the final sound of the final word in an idea/line/sentence is called "kick the box."  (I'm sorry I don't know the reference for it, but I think it is in a book about performing/teaching Shakespeare.)  I have found this helpful with my own work, as well as, with my students.  Place a box on the floor in front of you.  As you explore reciting your text, kick the box each time you reach the final sound at the end of the final word at the end of an idea/line/sentence (the destination point).  The physical act of kicking the box gives an extra little energy to the end of the line and it also illustrates if you slip into thinking that the end of the line is actually before the final sound.  It's a fun and lively exercise (particularly with a class of thirty) and the knowing becomes a whole body experience.


  1. Wonderful Cynthia. Not sure the source of this idea, but I am bringing a box tomorrow!

  2. Fantastic! Boxing in class! I think I have a small one I can bring too.

  3. Ah, so tomorrow will be boxing day!

  4. Sounds like a tennis shoes kinda day.
