Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Itsy-Bitsy Fractals

Submitted for your consideration:

Pattern Recognition is an essential skill for storytellers. Stories contain (or are shaped by) narrative patterns. The iteration and reiteration of these patterns may yield increasingly complex stories. Can we think of the child's nursery rhyme of The Itsy-Bitsy Spider as a narrative fractal? If so, can we see that fractal forming the complicated iterations that result in the great epics of Western literature such as The Odyssey?  Here is some background on fractal geometry:

Benoit Mandelbrot. The term "fractal" was coined by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975. It comes from the Latin fractus , meaning an irregular surface like that of a broken stone. Fractals are non-regular geometric shapes that have the same degree of non-regularity on all scales.

1 comment:

  1. I had never heard of a fractal before---and I watched the short video no less than 5 times---it was fascinating---mesmerizing.
    I also read that re-iteration of patterns can explain the 6th sense that some people have.
    How can I have reached the age I have reached---and missed this fascinating topic??
