Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Where the story found me today

I appreciated having the opportunity to shed 2 tears in today's telling-- one for her father, and one for her mother.  This was the perfect amount of emotional tug for me.  As a person who does not recover well if the "floodgate" is opened, I know my reaction to Regi's story would have been different if I was in a different place with the care of my parents.  I may not have welcomed this story if my parent/care/loss story was different.


  1. I found the story to be very powerful---and it takes great bravery to tell on the subject of death.
    In this country, we often separate the dying from the living---hence the great need for nursing homes. Speaking for myself, the living don't always have the guidance to know how to function when someone they love is dying---what to say---what to do---even to legitimize what they do feel---or even to understand what dying is. I was guided by nurses from hospice---I don't know how I would have functioned without their guidance. So stories like this can make up for gaps that people like myself have.

  2. Thanks for the heartfelt moments you shared in our conversation circle today. I appreciated your willingness to be vulnerable in your honesty, Joy.
