Monday, July 20, 2015 storytellers

On pages 95--97, Anna Smith speaks of the need for a personal brand....
Brands are how companies, governments and ordinary people (aka storytellers) market themselves to the general is how they will remember you (the name you were born with is not enough)!

Aside from a branding name, your personal brand must address your Most Important Thing...what am I known for---or specifically, how will the public distinguish me among other storytellers?

As storytellers, we can identify a physical trait (I am the "Braided Teller"----inspired by Tzitel's branding of one of her classmates last summer). This brand helps people remember me (of course, I need to always have braids when I perform). The "name" part of your brand must be quick, simple--easy to remember.

The opposite side of my business card contains my branding statement----why should you hire me---what can I do for you...
This must also be short and simple (but obviously longer than the branding name).

Sometimes a personal brand is an image---that represents your Most Important Thing---because short snippets (or simple images) are how the public will remember you.

All this, as suggested by Anna Smith, is public relations---but still a vital part of a career as an artist.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a very important aspect of storytelling. IAs I read about branding in ADS's book, I am reminded of the workshop I attended at the NSN conference in Mesa, AZ last summer. I believe the branding workshop was held by Karen Chace and a man (whose name I forgot). They even had us do exercises in the class to find our MIT. I have been working with this branding for the past year, even though I believe I found my MIT. There are so many details that have to match, including colors and photos.

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Joy! I found your thoughts really interesting. I didn't know that people called you "the braided teller" last year, but that is neat! I know I would be inspired to go to hear you tell stories because of the joy that you exude, and I love how it matches with the name you fought for.

  4. You are so the braided teller!
