Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Braiding a Program/Guild Program Today

The tellers at the Guild tonight were wonderful---their stories were engaging---but none of them made any attempt to connect with any other teller. At the end of the program (1 hour) I was emotionally exhausted---I think this was because I had to "re-set" for each teller.
On the other hand, to braid a story into a larger program might mean that the story I am prepared to tell, is not the story I will tell.....that's a little scary!


  1. That is so true, Joy. That is how I felt listening to the stories on Friday. The story I had planned to tell fit in nowhere, so I had to rethink which story to tell. I picked up elements from the telling on Friday, combined with inspiration from our two weeks of teller-in-residence performances and created something totally different than I had originally planned. Of course, I had the weekend to do it. What you are talking about is even shorter, if a teller tries to braid their story immediately after the next teller at the guild performance. Does the guild ever have a theme or have the teller discuss their stories before performance night? I am curious.

  2. Actually, the tellers never have a theme---so their choice is to think quickly on their feet (to braid---to take risks in telling a story in a different sort of way)----or---to just tell the story they have prepared without referencing any other tellers.
