Thursday, July 23, 2015

Where's My Magic?

Every now and then everything will just click. A story will be all that I hope for and more. For the purposes of this post, let's call that “magic.” After diving into the deep end that is Doug Lipman's Improving Your Storytelling, I think Doug Lipman believes in magic.

While he mentioned the idea of story development through informal telling earlier, I find it best enfleshed in the section entitled, “The Dangers Practicing” (84-86). He writes, “When I coach storytellers, I can usually recognize those who rehearse alone too much” (85). It is here that I admit, to this assembled body digital, that I usually only practice my stories by myself. Maybe I am a perfectionist or maybe I need to start viewing my early tellings of a story – in some ways – practice.

Lipman continues, “by practicing alone too much you forego the magic ingredient of a listener's attention” (85). Ouch! Strike two! Yup. I've got to find some magic, and I can't do it alone.



  1. Very insightful post! I enjoyed reading this, Bob!

  2. That very quote in Lipman's book has bedeviled me, Bob, because I also practice in isolation - practicing for cats = practicing alone. I know I am enriched many times over by feedback and questioning from colleagues, something that really struck home in the Institute this summer and I am continuously reminded of this as our class works together.

  3. I practice in my car (alone)---and I practice in my dreams---sometimes I work out stories in my dreams----but I also practice them on friends and family---in guilds---and in performances set up by guilds (where a polished performance is not expected).
    The thing is, the stories are always changing---sometimes so much that they are hardly recognizable from where they began.

  4. I am always nervous to practice in front of other tellers, until I do it. And then, something happens, like Doug says, and I can't remember why I was even nervous at all.
