Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mining memories into mosaic

I always enjoy when we do work in small groups in the class, and yesterday's exercise was quite enlightening. I noted that 2 members of our group put down 7 or 8 cards (memories) each, while the other two only put down 2 or 3. I was thinking afterwards about why this turned out that way. Part of the reason, I believe, is that the stories naturally grouped into "rooms" as David has talked about. We started out in the garden. That was the only room that I felt comfortable adding to, whereas the other two moved us into the bathroom and living room and finally the kitchen. The other group member who laid just a few cards, mainly kept hers in the kitchen. I did keep thinking that I could lay more if I had time and could put them back in the garden. For me, this reinforced what David said about the public and private rooms and which rooms we are comfortable telling in. - Laurina


  1. These were interesting reflections, Laurina! Were you and your group calling these rooms the "bathroom" and the "kitchen" while you were putting your cards together or did you interpret all of this after David was talking about the different rooms and where we bring in close friend guests (straight to the kitchen sometimes) vs. company (maybe start in the living room)? I couldn't remember the timing of everything. But I found your post really interesting!

  2. Aimee, I was interpreting it afterwards to try to understand why there was such a marked difference in how many cards were laid by the members in the group.
