Friday, July 17, 2015

Movement in Storytelling Preparation

[This post has been published to the past using blogger's scheduling feature]

I have been enjoying the movement component of our time together, even if it is a bit out of my comfort zone. While I understand that my body is an instrument used in storyteller, I have not been one to exercise that instrument well. That needs to change.

Through genes or my environment, I have managed to stay under 200 pounds – at times just barely. I have not been an active participant in my body's changes, such as they are. That needs to change. Our time in class and Rodenburg's “Owner's Manual of the Voice” and “The Voice Workout” are more examples of why that should change.

I am a better teller when I am aware of my environment and of my body within that environment. This has become clearer and clearer of late.

Making my way through, The Right to Speak: Working with the Voice, I have found the practical section of “The Voice Workout” most helpful. I can only imagine the reaction to the sounds that are coming out of my dorm room, but for now, I will focus on the exercises that tie most closely to what we worked on in class today, particularly section 5, begining on page 180, “Releasing the Neck, Shoulders, Face and Spine.”

It seems that there is good synergy [thanks for the idea, Bucky!] between our work in class, my reading of the texts, and my own body's yearning to be honed.


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