Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Coming together into the "Storyteller Circle"

After a great start, we continue our second day discussing about language and how it can impact us in many ways. Language can take any direction we as the storyteller decide to take it, as we were discussing about why the eagle didn't eat the rabbit? My thoughts were why did the eagle had to eat the rabbit? Maybe the eagle eats berries or other plants, maybe the rabbit's world is not as bad as the one we may imagine. But I believe that's the power of language and how the storyteller can impact the listener by sharing stories.  

I enjoyed listening today about the different backgrounds we are coming into storytelling and why are we doing what we are doing. Just as we were connecting with the stories that we told yesterday, I felt that today we found a similar pattern in our lives as storytellers. Is interesting how here in the class we see everyone's voices as unique and as Dwayne puts it "natural voice, his or her own voice." We seemed to find meaning in each of our styles and fade away from the "snap judgments" of our voices. I remember the first year attending college and my coach and several teammates made fun of my thick accent. It irritated me! I then met a Taiwanese English professor and said in our of his lectures to stay true to ourselves and embrace who we are because we are unique. My life changed from then on. Therefore, I believe that Rodenburg's ultimate goal to help out removing fears about our voices is something that I notice everyone in class to proclaim their own "natural" voice and embrace it.  

Why are we doing what we are doing? Why do our listeners need to care? I believe that both of this questions can interconnect with our own individual experiences and the environment where we live. I had a wonderful time listening to those who share their motivations and reasons to share the wonderful joy of transformation of language. 

 I wanted to share this photo I took in DC recently as a resemblance of what we were discussing in class today. The story could be one or could be something totally different. 

PS. I also want to comment that some of you are forgetting to click on the orange box that says publish, that way if we want to comment we can (is saved as Draft). 

1 comment:

  1. Idilio,

    I am so glad to hear you had a teacher who validated your voice! Each of our voices sound like the PEOPLE who have cared most for us in the world. This should motivate us to speak with love and confidence.
